Thursday, August 1, 2013

The creep factor has been raised

Cats are fun, I love cats. My family used to own 3 cats until we moved.

They however, are NOT fun when they pee all over your stuff. My mom told me to go through my room to find stuff that I could donate to the Deseret Industries. While I was searching in my closet, I found a box. I didn't remember what I put in said box, so I opened it. Holy heaven was I in for a surprise. Apparently I had stuffed some pee-riddled items in that box and shoved them away so that humanity would never see them again. Not a good idea, mind you. The items had been in there for a few years, so the box also smelled rancid too. Unfortunately something precious was in that box.

I don't have any pictures of them before, so I'll just post a picture of ones I don't own.

I don't know what they're called, so I shall deem them 'Mexican dolls'
Regardless of what they are called, they are near and dear to my heart. My Abue goes to Mexico occasionally with some of her children. Of course they come back bearing gifts. Many years ago when they went, she brought back two of these dolls. Of course as you see in the picture, that is how they are supposed to look. Well since mine had cat pee stench all over them, they got a washing machine treatment. They came out like this:

Oh my...Slenderman anyone?
Naturally I looked around for household remedies and attempted to fix them.

There, I fixed it
I think they look okay. Although only after looking at some on the internet did I realize that the noses are supposed to be orange. I still have some orange cloth that can mend that up. Oh yeah, and the one on the right has a green-ish face because I drew in her eyes in black, unfortunately the ink bled all over because she was still a little damp. I promptly erased the eyes and did them over. They're a little small...oh whatever, I don't do this for a living. 

So everyone lives happily ever after right?  WRONG. Not when you wake up startled to see these things staring at you from inside your closet.

Sweet dreams
I think I should invest in moving them to a different location.

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