Thursday, August 29, 2013

No, this is Patrick.

For anyone that speaks the English language, my surname should be the easiest in the world. It's Best, a name with no alternate spellings, no weird way of pronouncing it. People always get it wrong when I try to verbally tell them what it is. Why is this so hard for the general public?

This video sums up how I feel about it, just yesterday I had spell it out to a guy.

Guy: "Okay, what's your last name?"

Me: "Best."

Guy: "Okay, so that's Beth?"

Me: No, it's BesT" (emphasis on the T)

Guy: "So that's spelled B-E-T-H?"

Me: "No, it's B-E-S-T."

This wouldn't bother me nearly as much if it didn't happen so often. Maybe I need a microphone installed in my throat so people can hear me better.

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